Is A Foreign Financial Relief Order Recognized In Singapore?
The Singapore Courts give regard to an international divorce. Prior to amendments to the Women’s Charter in 2011, Singapore courts had no authority to deal with
Leading Expat Divorce Lawyer Team
In Singapore, pursuant to Section 113 of the Women’s charter, the court may order the husband to pay maintenance to his wife/ex-wife either before granting or subsequent to the grant of a judgment of divorce. At this present moment, there is no corresponding provision under Singapore law for a wife to pay maintenance to her husband/ex-husband.
The court has the discretion to decide on the quantum of maintenance required to be paid to the wife/ex-wife, taking into account all the facts of the case.
Under Section 114 of the Charter, the court will consider the following factors:
The Singapore Courts give regard to an international divorce. Prior to amendments to the Women’s Charter in 2011, Singapore courts had no authority to deal with
In today’s highly globalised world, it is not uncommon for individuals of different nationalities to get married in one country, make pre-nuptial agreements, then move
After a divorce judgment is granted, the second stage of divorce proceedings in Singapore family law will deal with ancillary matters. The court is empowered